Abishek Paudel was born in 2009 July 19 at Parbat. He is student of grade 10. He joined child club at 2078 in his ward. He was selected as vice secretary of municipal level child club. He was a part of capacity building and leadership training sponsored by municipal level child club. Leading the child club, he involved to conduct program like speech competition and stationary material distribution program with the support of municipality. He also joined district and province level child club and became a leader of his district. Being a part of district and provincial level child club, a group of children got chance to host different program related to child rights and child participation. Like, children with chief minister, children with district and ward focal person. Joining Child Advisory Board of Consortium Nepal, i feel so grateful and able to innovate something new in child rights. I was also the part of Child Led CRC Reporting process where i got chance to learn about the emerging issues related to child rights.