Bhumika Shahi, from Surkhet Birendranagar-2, was born on December 30, 2007. She is currently enrolled in grade 11 at Eager Bridge boarding school and has a strong commitment to her studies. She hopes to work in law or medicine after she graduates.Beyond academics, Bhumika enjoys traveling, exploring, listening to music, dancing, reading books, and meditating. Recognizing her leadership potential, she actively participates in the National Child Advocacy Council and the Child Advisory Board.Bhumika’s dedication to advocacy is demonstrated by her participation in training programs for child empowerment. She has previously contributed to a child-led report representing Nepal and talking about the issues and progress on the child network in international platforms collaborating with Save the Children. With an eye toward greater impact, Bhumika hopes to harness her experiences to bridge communication gaps between provinces and address children’s challenges at the grassroots level through her participation in the National Child Advocate Council and Child Advisory Board workshop.