On 14th June, Consortium Nepal organized virtual meeting with NCAC. 10members of National Child Advocated Council were presented in meeting from different provinces. The main agenda of meeting was to discuss about advocacy plan, experience sharing of memorandum handover by members of National Child Advocates Council, experience sharing by Dipendra Rajaili of Regional online learning, experience sharing of Arjun Shah of presentation on Global Conference on Child Rights. President of Consortium Nepal, Mohan Dangal welcomed all the participants. He share that NCAC have important roles to raise the issues of child rights. Consortium Nepal works as a facilitator where NCAC takes initiation and lead the programs related to the children’s issues. NCAC should build its own institution to conduct any kind of work related to issues of children. The memorandum was handover by members of NCAC related to local level planning which was prepared by on their own leadership .NCAC members from different province submit memorandum to their municipality and palikas requesting proper allocation of budget in different sectors of children. Everyone appreciate the initiation made my National Child Advocates Council and commit to work as per the demands made my children in memorandum .They committed to fulfill all the demands requested by NCAC members. Regarding to the advocacy plan, members from national child advocates council commit about the fulfillment to work on advocacy plan they have made. Members of NCAC, Dipendra Rajaili shared his experience on about the Regional Online Learning Event in Asia. He stated that Nepal as being the developing country comparatively has good practices in child rights like other developed countries. He was very pleased to be part of this program and many thanks to consortium Nepal for these wonderful opportunities.